KiwiNewZ Southern Lakez Snow Report

Saturday,22 August 1998

Free and Independent

================ KiwiNewZ Snowcam

Check out Coronet Peak, Queenstown on our snowcam! Updated daily.

>================= Lily

This issue is dedicated to Lily Maxwell May Bloomfield born 9.10am 20 August 1998. Now you all know why this issue is late!

================= Snow Reports

The snow storm of 16 August was a bit of a mixed bag with some of the Southern Lakez fields getting no snow ( Treble Cone ) and others getting a good fall (Coronet Peak got 10cm).

Another front moved across the lower South Island early Thursday the 20th and the low that had been hammering the North Island with rain and 50 knot winds did the right thing and we had snow to low levels, even in Dunedin! Coronet Peak got 10 cm, Cardrona picked up 15 odd cm with Tremble Cone missing the boat a bit and getting 5 - 10cm.

>** Coronet Peak

Well the night skiers on Saturday night of the 16th really lucked out and scored big time. A nice little storm sifted through at about 7.30 pm and by 9 pm their was 10 cm of nice, dry fluffy snow. Those that were fortunate enough to be on the peak had a brilliant hour of night time shredding.

The next day offered some great groomed trails, a little bit of exploring to do off piste but oh boy someone let the word out and the crowds built real quick. Head to the country, escape the rat race and miss out on the rush hour, I don't think so!

The new snow has survived the week real well with beginner and intermediate skiers getting some great skiing on the trails, and apparently that is 80% of the snow population. Another nice top up on the 20th saw Friday the 21st as the pick of the ski days this year with advanced skiers and riders heading further off the trail.

For more info on Coronet Peak slide on over to;

>** The Remarkables

Strange how the weather works but only 3-4 km across the basin as the crow flys and quite a bit higher than Coronet Peak and they got less snow on the 16th and 20th! 5 odd cm with a bit of wind and really it hasn't made too much difference. Good for beginners and intermediate and yes they did hold the Free Skiing champs in the Elevator chute - Temple Basin local Todd Windle took the honours in the mens with only one woman entrant, Claudia Bossi from Davos in Switzerland.

>** Treble Cone

Saturday 16th was a bit of a disappointment for Treble Cone with no snow officially registered, even though others got a bit. Wet snow has frozen pretty solid and conditions have been challenging. You know it when the snow report says "variable snow conditions". TC probably has more snow than anyone else but KiwiNewZ suggest you wait for the warm afternoon skiing when things have softened a bit.

The Austrians do love it like this, well they were loving it until downhill champion Andreas Schifferer broke his leg just above the ankle after straddling a gate at about 80km/h. Always the practical types they declared that it was better than torn ligaments which would take longer to heal, he will be training again in about 4 weeks, and it was better to do it now rather than in the middle of the World Cup season! Sacre bleu.

>** Cardrona

5 cm of new for Cardrona on Saturday 16th and 15 odd cm on Thursday 20th. Things are looking pretty sweet with a good cover for the trails. " Dry packed natural snow " .... sounds a bit like a new beer! Still a bit thin when venturing off the track the base of the field but intermediate and beginners are well catered for.

>** Waiorau Snow Farm

Well new snow and some trail grooming for classic and skating skiers has made for great conditions on the Snow Farm. The New Zealand Cross Country ski champs attracted 60 competitors from 7 countries. Keri McArthur from Dunedin took out the womens 5 km, Peter Moysey from Gisborne won the 10km mens classic and Sam Lee from Wanaka took gold in the 15km skate.

The Wanaka Sled Dog festival will be held from 1 - 4 September with races for single, two, four and six dog teams. Mush, hee and haw.... The inaugural Waiorau 50 is a classic little 50 km overnight race under a full moon, great howling conditions.

>================ Win two free nights in Queenstown.

Prize valid for two years. Spa bath, SKY TV, 1 minute to town, lake front, sleeps 6. Have you entered? Slide on over.

================ OK, how about a feathery Kiwi keyring?

One winner every month. Just send an email to with KIWI as the SUBJECT. That's all you have to do!

>================ snow escapes

Hard to believe but its true. One nights accommodation and two days skiing at Coronet Peak or The Remarkables for just $120. Now that's interesting! Lift passes cost $59 a day so a nights accommodation is $2. Beat that! Has to be a good deal. Come on you Invercargill and Dunedin snowfers, this one is hard to resist. Visiting Queenstown and staying in a campervan? Better hook up to this one. Call Novotel Hotel or Alpine Village Motor Inn. Bookings must be 72 hours in advance. Don't forget to tell them you heard about it in the KiwiNewZ Southern Lakez Snow Report!

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================ Events

Don't forget Dan Kelly's super duper heli ski deal on Mt Larkins in Glenorchy, 29 August. NZ$195 for four runs! Too much. To pre register send $45 with your name and phone number to Box 29, Glenorchy or contact Dan directly on ph 03 442 7939, fx 03 441 8346. Don't forget to tell him you heard about it in the KiwiNewZ Southern Lakez Snow Report! The New Zealand snow boarding champs are on at Cardrona from 31 August. Speed freakz smash the gates in the giant slalom, jumpsters go higher in the half pipe and free stylers battle in the boardercross. The first carving cup was held at Cardrona recently. This new format has skiers and boarders competing together in a novel format where the widest line wins, but you must finish under an allotted time. Hmmmm. Sounds a bit like something the French invented. The Masters event at Coronet Peak saw 160 golden oldies competing for glory and gold. Well actually two 30 year olds scooped the under 55 titles while Karl Burtscher and Cynthia Balfour ( she is 71 ), won the over 55's. Hope I am still up on the snow at that age!! For the third year running Australian snowboarder Luke Fitcher won the Quicksilver Boardriders event. 60 snowboarders and surfers surfed at St Clair beach in Dunedin then boardercross at Cardrona. Watch this space for news on the PIPE @ PEAK TO PORRIDGE

>================ That's all folks

Thanks for joining us see ya next month. Remember we welcome any feedback, suggestions, requests, comments etc. Just email these to mailto:[email protected]. This snow report is assembled from our own observations and reports from others and while every effort is made to get it right we can not attest to the accuracy or otherwise. Happy tripping.

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KiwiNewZ, PO Box 2125, Queenstown 9197, AOTEAROA

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